Monday, June 6, 2011

Gifts from the Video Game Gods!

This morning at 9:00 am kicked off the first day of the E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo held in L.A. (hence why it is called 'E3'). What E3 basically is is a trade show that lasts a week where video game developers all go to show off what their companies are currently working on. Usually showing off demos of upcoming video games, announcing release dates for anticipated games and informing attendees if a new video game console is being worked on by that company. For all the tech nerds out there E3 is looked forward to each year, because it usually offers so much information that developers usually save just for E3!
Being the video game nerd that I am (probably not so much as others though) I was excited all last week to see what is in store! Unfortunately instead of sitting on my couch with a large supply of snacks and a plan of doing absolutely nothing else besides watching the conference I am stuck at work, semi-happy that my DVR is hard at work at home recording every bit of new video game information! This year has been even more exciting as I have been waiting for any information regarding the release of latest chapter of the Legend of Zelda Franchise! The reason I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, biting my nails waiting for any news regarding the new Zelda Game, The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is because in recent news it was announced that Nintendo is rumored to be working on a new gaming console, (at this point only referred to as Project Cafe) which they would be announcing at E3 and that The Zelda of Zelda Skyward Sword could be postponed for the Wii only to be released on the new Nintendo Console! The reason I would be angry about this is that it was already pushed back a year! (The Legend of Zelda Skyward was supposed to be release December 2010 but was postponed to finish up some loose ends) I bought the Nintendo Wii for the new Legend of Zelda game, and am sorry to say that since it has yet to be released my Wii has been collecting dust. Tuesday June 7th at 9:00am is Nintendo's press conference day, and day that is specific to Nintendo to show off all their upcoming releases. So Hopefully We'll know by Thursday whether or not The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword will be released this year or wait yet another year to be released in 2012 along side Nintendo's new gaming system.

Some other things to expect at E3

1.  Sony is probably going to apologize multiple times to its users for its month long Network hiatus due to Hackers infiltrating their PSN. (Playstation Network)

2. Microsoft and Nintendo making jabs at Sony for its month long Network hiatus.

3. A New Gaming System from Nintendo, that would most likely involve HD and a 6 inch touch-screen controller!

4. A tribute to the Legend of Zelda franchise being its 25th anniversary year!

5. Announcement of a Brand New Halo. 

6. Sony will unveil it's next portable device and show off some of the games

7. Lots of upcoming Microsoft Kinect games will be demo-ed. 

8. A in depth demo on Modern Warfare 3!

9. Announcment of the released date of The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword

10. Revealing of some of the "Project Cafe" video games, possibly even one that involves every ones favorite plumber!

What do you think? Would you go to E3 if you had the chance? What are you most looking forward to?

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